Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP384 Taking the Lead with Kari Lake



Our guest today is Kari Lake. Kari is the Trump-Endorsed Candidate for Governor of Arizona. She walked away from her career as the most highly-respected and most-watched Anchor in Arizona to protest the fake, corporate media. Kari is committed to returning Arizona back to traditional American Values, embracing our Western Heritage, and creating a strong, safe, and prosperous place to raise a family. Her brand of common sense conservatism is committed to lowering taxes, securing our border, medical freedom, election integrity, and preserving individual liberties. 1) We are only a couple of weeks away from Primary Election day here in AZ, and the field has narrowed in just the past few days. You have never not had the lead in the polls. How are things looking as we come into August? 2) You come from the world of Corporate Media, and one of your biggest adversaries during your campaign has been members of the Media. What accounts for this contentious attitude they seem to have for you? 3) This past legislativ