Captain Roy's Rocket Radio Show: The Uk Podcast For The Culture Geek, Technology Nerd, And Creative Wizard

CRRRRS 449 Captain Roy's Rusty Rocket Radio Show 10th Anniversary



10 Years of CRRRRS, Siouxse and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Guitar, Bass, A Guitar Is Merely an Ugly Ukulele, Methuselah, Black, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Doctor Who 60th Anniversary, The Boys, The Old Man, 10 Years of Podcasting AMA, Rice Crispy Squares, Dandies Vegan Marshmallows, Lemon Cake, Tea, Mikado, Poky, Dingle Dangle Jingle Jangle Hoodie Zip, Terrifying Jumper, Cardigan, 2012 to 2022 Podcast SupercutShow notes at