Obligatory Podcast With Kermit & Myke

EPISODE 85 - Secret Location



This week, the Doods are in a super secret location that you'll definitely not be able to guess. They throw down the gauntlet against Orlando Weekly for leaving them off the mile-long list of nominees for Best Local Podcast. They reminisce about their years as child entertainers, discuss some animal attacks, and debate the "fun" of Las Vegas. This and more on Episode 85 of Nah Dood! DON'T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!!!!! Follow them on their social media hot spot Instagram: INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS: Nah Dood Main - @Nah_Dood_Podcast  Kermit Gonzalez - @KermitLGonzalez Danny Davenport - DannyDComedy Pedro Lima - @RicanGorilla WEBSITE: http://www.NahDood.com SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: http://www.Patreon.com/NahDoodPodcast Thanks for watching!