Battle Tactics For Your Sexist Workplace

A BTSW Tactic In Action: Going Public About A Pay Gap



Hi! We love making BTSW - and if you love listening, help us make it! (Become a patron of the show) or (make a tax-deductible donation). "BREAKING: Schwing quits the Northwest News Network. The reason? My male colleagues make tens of thousands of dollars more for the same work. And TBH, making this public scares the S-H-star-T out of me. " That was a tweet (reporter Emily Schwing) sent in March 2019, after quitting her job with something called the Northwest News Network. That’s a collection of public radio stations in Washington and Idaho that do regional news reporting. (BTSW's old production partner, KUOW, is part of the Northwest News Network.) We talked with Emily because she DID a tactic we actually talked about on the show - she quit a job because she felt like she was dealing with a gender pay gap. And then - even though she didn’t really want to go public about why she q