Battle Tactics For Your Sexist Workplace

Why Imposter Syndrome Is Starting "To Sound Like Bulls**t"



Love BTSW? Help keep it going - (become a patron) and we'll thank you with all kinds of cool benefits, from AMAs with the hosts to show swag. "Carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white guy". This was a tactic we heard in our (Season 1 episode on Imposter Syndrome). If you haven't yet, give this episode a listen. It's our most downloaded episode, and the topic we are asked to speak the most about. For a while, it's felt as though lots of us couldn't get enough tactics to battle imposter syndrome within ourselves. Then, our friends and all-around geniuses Jodi-Ann Burey and Ruchika Tulshyan co-wrote (Stop Telling Women They Have imposter Syndrome), for the Harvard Business Review, followed by (End Imposter Syndrome In Y