
Rand(Nerds); Episode 171



Welcome to episode 171 We dive back into CyberPunk 2077 briefly discussing our characters and the storytelling, before moving on to some of Skazz Linux gaming with Steam OS and the steam Deck, will also discuss values previous for into steam machines. We also talk about usability of the various operating systems out there. Ram has been feeling the nostalgia in Hyperspace Outlaw, an alternative history game set in 1999 re-living and old school internet with game play similar to Orwell Notes: Still a great game: CyberPunk 2077 Linux PC gaming with SteamOS Old school internet world in Hyperspace outlaw An alternative internet in Gemini You can Join us for our next Livesteam on Saturday 14th August 2021 21:30 GMT+1 On: Youtube Twitch Also check out our next game night on alternate Tuesdays at approx 20:30 GMT+1 on Twitch: Sk4zzi0us TheSuffolkRam