Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Which is the Best Type of Doctor to See for Your Thyroid? (Endos vs Holistic vs PCP vs Ob/Gyn)



Which is the best type of doctor to see if you have a thyroid problem? It's a question that many thyroid patients ask. Why? Because so many thyroid patients don't feel like their regular doctors are either helping them or listening to them when they talk about how they feel. With that in mind, let's talk about the various types of doctors that you CAN see if you have a thyroid problem. You can place them into 2 large groups. Conventional doctors and holistic doctors. As a brief spoiler, it's often the case that thyroid patients will feel much better when seeing holistic doctors over conventional doctors but this isn't always true (for reasons discussed in the video). When looking for a doctor to treat your thyroid, I recommend sticking to MDs and/or DOs or practitioners that prescribe thyroid medication. This will make it easier for you to get what you need. Conventional doctors include: Family practice and PCPs - Family practice doctors can be good but they are often very busy and have a lot to keep