Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

The Most Embarrassing Mistake I Made That Almost Took Me Out With Dr. Shannon Irvine



Do you recognize the repeated patterns you’ve created in your life? Those patterns are a glimpse into the automations going on in your mind.  You can't ignore the patterns in your personal life and expect them not to spill over into your business life.  If you are a coach, a mentor, a service provider, or anyone working to help get others from point A to B, pattern recognition needs to be a key part of your work for your clients and yourself.  You CAN’T outperform your subconscious. Where your PATTERNS are, so will YOU BE.  So how can you recognize your patterns and transform them into powerhouse habits that will propel your business?  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, we’ll talk about recognizing the patterns controlling your business results. Dr. Shannon Irvine will share her biggest mistake that ALMOST took her out and how you can avoid making the same mistake.  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: How to recognize the repeated patterns in your life.  Patterns are thoughts a