Starseed Radio Academy

Activate Your Cosmic DNA



Eva Marquez is a spiritual consultant, healer, teacher, and writer, with Pleiadian starseed ancestry. She works with a collective group of light beings from various star nations. She teaches workshops on starseed DNA activation and Atlantean soul healing.   "Activate Your Cosmic DNA: A Guide to Recognizing Your StarseedLineage and Awakening the Unique Gifts Inherited from Your Cosmic Family" is her new book. You carry within you the spiritual DNA of your cosmic family. Eons ago the Pleiadians, along with other star nations, seeded the Earth and their energy remains. By recognizing your starseed lineage, you can activate your spiritual DNA and awaken the soul attributes that resonate with your star nation. In this spiritual guide, Eva explains how to discover your starseed lineage and activate your cosmic DNA. She presents in–depth teachings and channeled wisdom from the six star nations: the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Centaurus, Epsilon Eridani, and Lyra. Pleiadians are soul healers with a frequency of unco