Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode #533



On our latest podcast, we chat about the goings on in Weatherfield between the 25th and the 29th July (Episodes #10699 - 10704). We don't know whether it's the hot weather (though we suspect not as that seems to have passed Weatherfield by this summer!), but everyone seemed to be losing their rag on Corrie this week. Whether it's Kevin stressing out over building a cot, Stephen getting unreasonably irate about his supposedly fixed car breaking down, Beth getting narked off about Summer's new PA job or Leanne reverting to her grumpy ways when she hears that Debbie's planned a psychic night at the Bistro, these guys could seriously do with taking a chill pill this week. And speaking of pills, we've still not got to the bottom of whether or not Audrey's overdose last Friday was done on purpose either... Next up on the podcast, in the Kabin, we're joined by the brains behind the excellent Coronation Street Blog, Glenda Young, who tells us about her own soap Riverside, which has recently been released online as an