Writer's Bagel Basket

Ep. 197: Willow (Guest Co - Host My Wiiffee And Chris Croucher) 1



We continue Stars & Gripes talking about the greatest swordsman in all the land, VAL KILMER. This episode Scott and Hayleigh are joined by first time guest Christopher Croucher. They're discussing the 1988 fantasy classic "Willow." Hayleigh has never seen the entire, they get side track by discussing actor billing, and Scott talks about dropping sociology in college because his professor looked like Burglekutt from this movie. Check out Chris' website and learn more about his art and healing right here.: https://www.ccroucherarts.com/ Thank you to DJ QUADS FOR THE TRACK USE OF LIVING IN STEREO. Listen to Scott's new podcast Hell Is A Musical right here on the zero science network link: www.zero-science.com Follow us on twitter @wrtrbagelbskt, like us on our facebook page, and you can email the boys at writersbagelbasket@gmail.com with questions, shows or movies to watch, and fan art of the shows they're doing. Don't forget to like us on the Facebook too. Instagram is another way to find us too @writersbag