Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 117: Phil Mason - Kingdom series - The Kingdom of God Part 2 - 24 July 2022



In Part Two of Phil’s series on the Kingdom of God he explores the nature of the coming of the kingdom. God’s kingdom is revealed in three dimensions. As we explore the ministry of Jesus, we discover that He ministered in sign, word and deed. The sign dimension unveils the power of God. The word dimension unveils the revelation of God, and the deed dimension unveils the love of God. Kingdom ministry is 3 dimensional. It is the outpouring of revelation, power and love, sometimes singularly as when Jesus was teaching or when He was healing the sick but sometimes, He would minister three streams simultaneously. Once we establish that the kingdom is poured out in 3-D we can position ourselves to receive each of these three streams. This is how we receive the kingdom as little children. Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matthew 19:14 NLT)