Dark Insight

Episode 57: Bioshock + Space = Prey



A new podcast is here. It's been given to you, the subscriber to the RSS feed. You read the notes, and aren't surprised: another quality episode from the Dark Insight crew. This episode is full of goodness, some talk about the news ("why the heck does Microsoft need to put a FPS counter on the front of it's new console?" you wonder), some chat about games ("alright, more Nier chat, Cliff chats about his review of Outlast 2, and Vader is heavy on the switch!"). What's this? There's a new guest? You smile. Guests are sometimes the best parts of the show. This week it's NinjaBadger7 (https://twitter.com/NinjaBadger7), a fan of the show for quite some time, and all around cool guy. "Damn," you think, "this is a cool podcast." Be sure to check out Dark Insight (https://www.darkinsight.net) for previous episodes, profiles on our hosts and guests, plus blog articles from our friends. It's GREAT. Special Guest: Matt.