Dark Insight

Episode 44: Jeremy's Stardew Pax



Dark Insight Number Forty Four has arrived! This week Josh, Jeremy, and special guest Tim (aka Frothy Ham) sit down and talk about our favorite subject: the weather! Nah, just kidding, we're talking games. Jeremy finally plays a new video game (Linelight) but still manages to fit in time to talk about Stardew Valley. Josh gives his thoughts on Resident Evil 7 and talk about playing Bully. Finally, Tim talks about RE7, doing a complete stealth no-kill run of Dishonored 2, and finally our main topic this week: PAX South. Originally we had booked both Tim and Trey, another friend of the show, but Trey had some serious technical issues (stay tuned after the episode for a brief taste of what that looks like). So this week's episode is a bit shorter than usual, but it's still packed full of goodness. Links! If you liked the song at the end, check out the link below for more of Jake's music: https://jakelionheart.bandcamp.com/ Tim's Twitter: https://twitter.com/frothy_ham Josh's Twitter: https://twitter.com/morb