Dark Insight

Episode 38: Cosmic Cthulhu Whales



Hello there! We have another fun packed episode of Dark Insight for you lovely people! This week we are joined by Jala Prendes from The Level podcast, a show that’s part of the well loved Duckfeed.tv network! Jala was a great guest, and an all round lovely person to chat to, we had a lot of fun nattering away! PLEASE BE AWARE, THERE IS A SLIGHT UNCHARTED 4 SPOILER AT ABOUT 19:37* This week we talked about The Game Awards, PSX, and the announcements that came with both of those; as well as a little bit of Nintendo Switch news, along with a somewhat lengthy discussion about games we’ve played which includes the following: Let It Die, Final Fantasy XV, Dishonored 2, Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday Star, followed by a rather hyperbolic rant about Bloodborne, and rounded off with some fantastic responses from our wonderful community! As always we appreciate any and all love from all of you, so please rate and subscribe to us on any podcast feed you happen to use, find us on our website, darkinsight.net, Soundcloud, Face