Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

All Thoughts Can Be Changed: Brain Hacks to Remove Limiting Beliefs with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Does your brain ever get stuck on a thought? Not the typical day-to-day thoughts, but the conversation playing over and over in your mind that tells you you can't do something or you’re not enough? Your brain is wired so that your thoughts change through a process that happens long before you see a change occur. Your THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS combine to become your BELIEFS. So, what can you do to change the thoughts that hold you back?  You need to change the automation in your mind to have a different outcome.  Turn your can’ts into cans by changing the voice on autopilot in your mind. Don’t miss out on sharing your God-given gifts and talents because your mind tells you that you don't measure up. TAKE CONTROL and STOP those thoughts in their tracks. YOU CAN change your thoughts. One new thought - when repeated enough - becomes your new reality.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, we’ll talk about how to separate yourself from the thoughts that no longer align with your life and the simple steps