David Hathaway

The Power of Prayer through Faith (Part 3)



The life we live, we live by faith. In 2003 when I had lung cancer, I had no treatment, and was healed by a miracle. When I had throat cancer in 1964, I was pastor of a church which, under my ministry had seen tremendous miracles. We still have the newspaper reports of the blind seeing, cripples walking – this was in the local newspaper! My congregation really challenged me saying, “It’s all very well telling us to have faith. But now you have cancer, what are you going to do?” I had to say to the Lord, “Lord, I have to demonstrate my faith. I cannot have an operation!” Both times I had cancer I prayed for 3 months before I was healed, and with this lung cancer, it actually came out of my mouth in a massive cough! I was in bed at the time, and they had to burn the bed afterwards! The Apostle James says, some people say they’ve got faith, but they don’t act it, they don’t demonstrate it. But I try to demonstrate my faith by the way I live.