Mike Hosking Breakfast

Mike's Minute: Cost of living payment circus turning into a political mess



The Government's cost of living sop, cock up, circus, or whatever you want to call it, now has the potential to turn into a real political crisis. Issue one; they knew those offshore would get the money. So, money was going to people that weren't in the country, which was one of the Government's key criteria. Issue two; their excuse was it was too hard to do it any other way. Issue three; it added to inflation. The very problem they were trying to address by handing out the money. Issue four; it was money they never had in the first place. Issue five; they had no idea how many people would get it, that really didn’t want it, need it, or deserve it. Issue six; the Salvation Army weigh in saying the people they work with, the people who need it the most, aren't getting it because many of them are on welfare. Welfare meant you weren't eligible, unlike the Kiwi in Switzerland who hadn't been here for two decades. Now we have issue seven; 2.1 million