Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Sacred Walker – Unleash Your Vision with Stress Mastery – Episode 261



Today, I'm honored to introduce you to Sacred Walker, the CEO of Kuumba Health. She's hailed by audiences worldwide as a gifted orator, charismatic presenter, visionary leader, and executive coach. Sacred Walker speaks about resilience, the capacity for all to thrive when transforming internal and external stressors into success thru facing the internalized judgments, biases, and doubts people face daily. After listening to this empowering interview, you'll take away a fresh perspective on burnout, self-care and much more! In this Episode: • Sacred Walker shares how she's committed to transforming the mind, body, and spirit experience by helping other women live a life they love • Tips on turning your pain into your superpower • How tuning in and slowing down actually became her savior • Healing through art, storytelling, and dance • The power of playwriting development which allows people to embody specific roles before fully stepping into them • The importance of looking to your archetype now and determini