What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 360: Slowing Down To Make Sustainable Choices



I am a fast person. I walk fast. Cook fast. Write fast. Talk fast. Work out fast. It’s like I’m always moving towards some urgent need or trying to escape some impending disaster. So I’ve been working on slowing down for the last few years. To do that, I have to be mindful. I have to be present enough to notice that I’m zooming around and get curious about why. Then, I can take a beat and slow down the tempo. I say that like it’s easy, or like I even remember to do it on a regular basis. I don’t. I find it hard to look around at the world—the news, the market, my family, my community—and not feel the pressure of urgency. Things change so fast today, yes. But the problems we face and the opportunities in front of us are also urgent. It’s not just the speed with which things happen. It’s the fleeting window of possibility we have to make changes or seize the moment. In her book Emergent Strategy, adrienne maree brown writes: “There is such urgency in the multitude of crises we fac