What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 332: Maybe Simplicity Is Just A Dream…



I’m convinced that every entrepreneur has a fantasy business that they daydream about. It’s free from all of the baggage and assumptions that we’ve built up around our existing businesses. And I’m also convinced that that fantasy business—as pie-in-the-sky as it may be—has something to teach us about our existing businesses. They can show us how we’d market differently, set policies differently, and protect our time differently. They show us the kinds of relationships we’d prefer to have with clients or the type of work we’d rather be doing. And, maybe more than anything, they show us just how simple a business can be. With a few exceptions, I don’t think most of us daydream about convoluted, complicated businesses. We dream up simple businesses—ones that thrive with minimal BS. Today, I’m sharing 3 ways that I built my fantasy business—the one I’d been dreaming about for years—and how it’s different from What Works. In this episode, you’ll hear: * Why making changes to an exist