What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 330: Letting Go Of Complication With Brigitte Lyons & Sophy Dale



In This Episode: * How Sophy Dale ended up running 3 separate businesses—and what made her realize it was all too complicated* How Brigitte Lyons realized that her PR agency was letting scope creep make it feel like she was still throwing spaghetti at a wall* What both Sophy & Brigitte did to approach simplifying their businesses* And the personal reasons why simplifying was the ticket to creating businesses that worked both for their bank accounts and for their lives What I wish every small business owner knew about making more money is… …it doesn’t have to be so complicated. I mean that literally. Creating a more complicated business doesn’t guarantee you a bigger paycheck, a bigger audience, or a bigger impact in the world. Adding more and more moving parts to how your business runs doesn’t get you more happy customers or more personal satisfaction, either. Of course, this doesn’t put a stop to the anxiety of feeling like, if only you could do more, things would be better.