What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 291: Reply Hazy. Try Again.



I had a Magic 8 ball when I was a kid. I wouldn’t say that I relied on it in any serious way… but, when my kid brain was trying to process some big emotions or sort through a sticky situation, I often pulled it out and asked it questions. Most of the time, the mysterious blue text that would emerge from the dark depths of the ball would give you some sort of definitive answer. Without a doubt. Signs point to yes. Don’t count on it. My reply is no. But there was another set of answers that just really left you hanging. The one that sticks out in my mind is “Reply hazy. Try again.” All things considered, “Reply hazy. Try again,” was probably the most accurate of Magic 8 Ball answers. You can ask the ball a question. You can shake it vigorously and beg for the answer you’re hoping for. But, in truth, the reply is ALWAYS hazy. The future is hazy. It’s unknowable. And that makes taking decisive action to build a stronger business much more challenging. But we have a choice. We can