What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 290: Discovering Your Vision With Ginkgo Public Relations Founder Cher Hale



In This Episode: * What led Ginkgo Public Relations founder Cher Hale to move from Las Vegas to Portland, Oregon* How she took her business full-time in a new-to-her city* How her mom’s romance novels inspired her to discover a bold new Why for her business* What action that new Why led her to take and how she’s showing up in new ways because of it What do you want? It’s a simple enough question. What do you want from your life? From your business? From the work you do on a daily basis? What do you want from your home? Your relationships? Your community? It’s a simple question—but it’s not easy. Answering this question—even imperfectly—can give you more confidence in managing and even embracing uncertainty. What do you want is not an easy question for me to answer. What I want is often influenced by what others have, what they do, and what they’re going after. What I want is often an effort to prove that I’m good enough, smart enough, and goshdarnit, you should like me. I’