What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 253: Discovering The Joy of Missing Out With Inkwell Press Founder Tonya Dalton



The Nitty-Gritty: * How The Joy Of Missing Out author Tonya Dalton discovered the stories and self-talk that were keeping her from really enjoying life and celebrating her success* Why identifying the litmus tests she put herself through helped her determine what she really wanted out of life and business* How she reflects on the good, the bad, and the ugly to keep her stories and self-talk in check* How Tonya rewrites her stories so her self-talk supports her and the life she wants to lead Let’s talk about self-talk. Self-talk is that voice inside your head that narrates everything happening around you. Sometimes self-talk pumps you up—like after you nail a meeting with a new client and you remind yourself what a boss you are. Sometimes self-talk cuts you down—like when you realize you’ve made a mistake and you tell yourself you’re such a screw-up. I think we’re all pretty familiar with how our inner critics or inner cheerleaders can impact the way we feel or act at this point. Wh