What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 227: Raising Your Prices With Confidence With Content Marketing Strategist Abby Herman



The Nitty-Gritty: * Why Abby Herman, founder of Write Solutions, set her prices so low to begin with* How she realized she needed to raise her prices and how long it took to make it happen* What happened when she realized that her prices were only part of the problem and how her services have evolved since* Why Abby feels more motivated than ever to find a new level of satisfaction in all areas of her life and work Nothing can spook an entrepreneur’s confidence like setting a price. As soon as you come up with a number, your inner critic goes into overdrive: “It’s too high! They’ll laugh at us!” “It’s too low! It’ll bankrupt us!” “Is it really worth that much?” “Who do you think you are asking for money at all?” “What if they can’t pay?” “What if I lose sales?” “What if I’m wildly successful and can’t keep up?” As my grandmother would say: Good grief! If putting a price on your products or services—let alone raising your prices—makes you want to run and hide, all tha