What Works | Small Business Podcast With Tara Mcmullin

EP 193: Doing More With Less: How Small Business Owners Take A Minimalist Approach



Imagine you want to get stronger. What do you do? If you’re like me, you’d head to the gym, grab some dumbbells, and start squatting, pressing, and curling as many times as you could until your legs and arms felt like they wanted to fall off. It turns out… more isn’t always more when it comes to the gym. And more isn’t always more when it comes to your business, either. Now, repping it out at the gym isn’t necessarily a bad thing. There’s a time and place for focusing on lifting a weight more times. But it’s not the most efficient way to get stronger. It absolutely blew my mind when I learned that, if I want to get stronger, I should focus on lifting heavier weights just 1-5 times per set. Yes, just 1-5 times. For instance, in 2018, I set a goal of doing 10 unassisted, uninterrupted pull-ups in a row. Before I knew better, I would try to get as many pull-ups as I could every time I was near a bar. Then, I started doing some research. You see, the best way to hit this kin