Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

How to Earn Passive Income (Even If You Don’t Have a Big Audience) with Jessica Stansberry



Episode #235. About Jessica: Jessica Stansberry helps entrepreneurs grow and scale their income by teaching them how to create content that sells FOR them so they can sell more and work less. Jessica's YouTube channel, email list, and Instagram account are FULL of helpful nuggets to help entrepreneurs scale their businesses and become true CEOs.Connect with JessicaWebsiteYouTubeInstagramFacebookTwitterTikTokFavorite Quotes“People normally look at passive as they don't have to do any work, which is absolutely not true. Because almost every stream of passive income still requires quite a bit of work upfront.  Passive income (to me) is all the work happens upfront. After the delivery, there's no work.”“Building an audience is the hardest part with affiliate marketing because one or two clicks per month are not gonna pay the bills. But as you build up your audience, they will.”“I wouldn't say there's a minimum viable audience, but a very specific audience. If you can gather even a small a