
339: The dread of swimwear shopping



A good pair of swimmers that you love will create more joy in your life because they are a tool to help you enjoy the beach (or pool, or other water activity). In this episode we chat about the dread of going swimwear shopping. This episode will inspire you to move through the situation of hating swimwear shopping, so you can have more fun!This is what we spoke about during the episodeClothing can be an extension of who you are and it can make you feel different. So, what makes you feel good?Who are you dressing for? Just because it's in fashion and on trend, doesn't mean you have to buy them. If you don't like them, there's plenty of other options.Bring along a supportive friend or companion who knows your history of anxiety and negative relationship with your self-image.You don't need to change our body to fit a certain trend or to fit a certain time. Your body isn't designed to fit jeans; jeans are designed to fit you.Do not look at the size of the clothes because every brand is completely different.S