Everything Hertz

159: Peer review isn't working (with Saloni Dattani)



Dan and James are joined by Saloni Dattani for a chat about the history of peer review, a reimagination of what peer review could look like, what happens when you actually pay peer reviewers, peer reviewer specialisation, post publication peer review, annual paper limits for authors, automation in peer review, and Big Cheese. Links * Works in Progress magazine (https://www.worksinprogress.co/) * One of the many news stories (https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/08/04/this-cheese-could-be-the-latest-superfood-with-unique-properties-to-improve-bone-health) about the Jarsberg cheese study * The actual study (https://nutrition.bmj.com/content/early/2022/06/29/bmjnph-2022-000424) * Saloni's peer review piece (https://www.worksinprogress.co/issue/real-peer-review/) * The F1000 format (https://f1000research.com/) * Our episode (https://everythinghertz.com/74) with Elisabeth Bik * PCI registered reports (https://rr.peercommunityin.org/) * Saloni on Twitter (https://twitter.com/salonium) Other links Everything Hertz o