Common Censored

Episode 202 - Minimum Wage Now In Sandwiches, You Already Have This Virus, and Even Henry Kissinger is Anti-War Now?



Next time you're craving a chicken sandwich, just think: that could be your minimum wage! It sounded like a good deal to Chick-Fil-A... Meanwhile unionization via workplace organizing is a growing threat to more and more stores. Some corporations are so afraid of their workers that they're pre-emptively shuttering their stores rather than allow them to unionize. 50 years after ruining Sacheen Littlefeather's career, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences apologizes. Too little too late you might say...and you'd be right. Meanwhile the lived experiences of indigenous peoples have improved little since that day in 1973. PLUS it's a topsy-turvy world when even Kissinger is pushing for peace, AND capitalism is a brain virus - and we all have it.