Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

190: Shedding What No Longer Serves



Every year I take a pause to make this these inquiries: "What is calling to be liberated.. within me, within my work/career, within my relationships, and within my physical foundation of health/wealth/home?" And "What 'skins' am I shedding/ do I need to shed, so I can more powerfully, fully and freely express as who I am now, and who I am evolving and elevating into?"  Think of your 'skins' as the roles, responsbilities, robes of expression, and robes of repression you have taken on consciously or unconsciously.  I do this practice every year because it's one of the most empowering, effective practices I know to support us to make conscious change.  When you actively and intentionally choose to catalyze yourself, and you pause to put language to what is being called to catalyze (in your life, relationships, career, money, health, etc.), you are much more likely to have the resiliency needed to meet the challenges that arise... and the wisdom to create the reality your heart and soul are calling you to.  The p