Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast With Shae Bynes

KDE 382: From Self-Centered “Success” to Kingdom Success (Conversation with Wouter Droppers)



Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is Wouter Droppers, President of EuroPartners where he advises, supports, and encourages Christian entrepreneurs across Europe on the topic of faith and business.  Prior to his work with EuroPartners, Wouter served as president of several companies in the automotive industry, and while he lived a life that seemed successful, he realized he was, in reality, living a “me, myself, and I” centered life.  In this conversation, Wouter shares transparently about his journey with God, and how he shifted to a truly Christ-centered family and business life that is led and empowered by the Holy Spirit. He also shares what he is learning as he serves business leaders across multiple European nations, with a variety of religious and cultural differences, and how the presence of God continues to be the difference maker.