Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 415: What Does It Mean That G-d Never Gives Someone a Problem They Can’t Handle?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What life lessons do we learn from the transition of the month of Av to the month of Elul? Chassidus Applied to Re’eh and its connection to this time of the yearWhat is the meaning of curses in the Torah? If they are truly blessings why are they expressed in negative terms? Why were the people obligated to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem three times a year? And what can we do today to connect and draw down similar energies? What is a nisayon (test), and what is its purpose? How does it elevate the Divine sparks? And how does it increase one’s perception (daas)? What does it mean that G-d never gives someone a problem they can't handle? Preparing for ElulDoes the “king in the field” manifest in physical ways? How would you explain repentance to someone who is not that familiar with the concept, and how can we practically implement it? Can you provide a fresh perspective on the high holidays? Rebuilding the Beis HamikdashWhy don't the sages use posi