Large Marge Sent Us

Say Anything



Say Anything, writer/director Cameron Crowe's first movie from 1989 should really be called How to Break Up With Your Dad, becuase holy hella emotional incest! Despite all this, Say Anything is a super cute movie, and dare we say it, an anti-80s high school movie. All the kids are so nice! No one gets beat up (okay maybe Lloyd in the kick boxing ring?). Maybe because it takes place in Seattle? We don't know! But we do know we love Lloyd Dobbler and would date him in a second, what a sweetie! We'll talk about the infamous radio over the head playing Peter Gabriel scene (let down!), how we loved that Lloyd only had friends that were girls, and if we think they made it. Sweetie had a bit of a cough for this one, so sorry for all the lung hacking.  Blame it on daycare, yeah yeah.