Good Will Hunters

Leadership Series 04 - Melanie Tran



Welcome to the fourth episode in our leadership series of Good Will Hunters. I’m Rachel Mason Nunn, and I am the Founder and Host of Good Will Hunters. I hope you enjoyed last week’s episode with Giles Gunesekera Once again, the response from all of you was overwhelming, in a great way. I’ve had a lot of listeners get in touch to say this series is really resonating with them. It’s clear many of us find ourselves navigating values-based leadership whilst working in a purpose-driven role. Today’s guest is the fabulous Melanie Tran. Melanie is a designer, innovator and social entrepreneur. Her work as a User Experience Designer and social entrepreneur has been recognised internationally including being named the winner of the Laureate International Universities Global Here for Good Award 2018. Melanie’s lived experience, developed skills and knowledge allow for her work to span the disability, health and technology sectors. If that’s not impressive enough, Melanie was named in the Top 100 Women of Influence