Good Will Hunters

Autumn Series 2 - Audette Exel and Jo Barraket, on the NGO business model of the future



Welcome to our second episode of the Good Will Hunters Autumn Series: The Future of the NGO. This series is presented with sponsorship from Alinea-Whitelum. Learn more about their work here In this episode, hosts Rachel Mason Nunn and Paul Ronalds speak with Audette Exel and Jo Barraket on the evolution of NGO business models. Jo Barraket is a University Distinguished Professor and Director of the Centre for Social Impact at Swinburne University. She is one of Australia’s leading researchers of social enterprise and social economy. Audette Exel is the Founder of the Adara Group and CEO of its Australian Financial Services Businesses, Adara Advisors. Relevant links: Enjoy the episode, The GWH Team