Good Will Hunters

Georgina Camp - Social Impact, Meaningful Participation and the Stock Exchange



Welcome to Episode 7 of Good Will Hunters! In todays episode I chat with Georgina Camp, the CEO of Huber Social, an innovator bringing a fresh approach to solving complex social challenges. Georgie was introduced to me by Caitlin Barrett, the CEO of Love Mercy Foundation who we had on the show a few weeks ago. Georgie and Caitlin worked together on assessing the impact of the Cents for Seeds Program in Uganda. Georgie’s passion for reinventing the way we measure social value and reconsidering what truly contributes to wellbeing is apparent from the moment she starts speaking! She’s a trail-blazing leader, innovator and thinker and I’m thrilled to introduce you to her today. Georgie and I chat about the importance of measuring social value alongside financial value, and the method Huber Social uses to determine the contribution a product or service makes to an individuals wellbeing. We chat about Amartya Sen’s ‘Capabilities Approach’ and other methodologies for analysing wellbeing, and chat about what the fu