Good Will Hunters

Richard Moore - Aid Budgets, China and Confronting our Critics



Welcome to Episode 4 of Good Will Hunters! In this episode I chat with Richard Moore, the former deputy-director of AusAID. We talk about our greatest aid successes, and our one big aid failure. We discuss how to remain relevant, why we need to confront our critics, the rise of Chinese aid, and why we really need to stop talking about aid budget and start talking about the quality of our aid, plus lots more. Richard drops some real truth-bombs in this episode - this is a discussion that anyone working in the aid sector, or interested in aid, really needs to hear. We have endemic "problems without borders” globally, we’re all developing countries now and no country can tackle all of the challenges they face unilaterally. Global cooperation is vital to sustaining progress on human development and yet our aid sector has become more insular than ever. Traditional western ideals on economic growth and development are breaking down, and increasingly countries are refusing to accept the development status quo and