Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

Use this Color-Coded Copy System to Make More Sales with Sage Polaris



Episode #236. About Sage: Sage Polaris has written high-converting copy for more than 400+ clients earning them millions of dollars. She helps personal brands and service providers sell more of their service or offer with the words on their website.She has worked with Chalene Johnson, Chrisette Michele, Rick Mulready, and Lynne Twist. Basically, she makes money for the “internet-famous” people we all look up to.Connect with SageWebsiteFacebookFavorite Quotes“It takes time to build that audience, to be able to offer something at a lower cost and to have it be profitable.”“It’s about understanding the strategy that underpins the page before you make all these choices about your copy. Because if you don't understand the audience and you don't know that the offer is gonna land with them, the copy really won't do you much.”“The thing that's often missing is listening to your audience. You really need to know your audience and appeal to what they specifically want from you. That way they feel se