Profitable Farmer

Episode 103 - A Global And Local View On Our Current Reality



Hi [First Name], In leadership, sometimes it pays to take the highest perspective possible. Today, as we find ourselves navigating global political unrest, war, pandemic recovery, disease threat, rising interest rates, inflation and significant seasonal volatility, this has never been more important. For an incredibly insightful global perspective and a highly considered and passionate interpretation tailored just for us – as Australian Farmers – it gives me great pleasure to introduce one of the most brilliant individuals I have ever met! Simon Kuestenmacher is the Co-founder and Director of The Demographics Group based in Melbourne, Australia. Simon holds degrees in geography from leading universities in Berlin and Melbourne and has worked as a business consultant with KPMG Australia for several years. In 2017 Simon, with Bernard Salt, co-founded The Demographics Group. The group provides specialist advice on demographic, consumer and social trends for business. Simon has presented to numerous corporate