Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

370 - Being and Doing when Building Well-Being



Walk with me to expand your focus on who you are being. It will make you a super-star leader or manager.  Listen to my story about using this approach to build a new opportunity for your team/department to co-create and enhanced engagement. In this time of the "BIG-Resignation" OR "Quiet-Quitting" leaders need to leverage their skills to fully engage their teams for excellence and collaboration. Walk with me and we'll explore how to expand your agency by building efficacy, optimism and imagination. Be fiercely responsible and accountable in meaningful ways. Build the capacity to examine your own thinking to turn every challenge into growth for a career and life you love. How will examining your own thinking processes improve your own feelings of wellbeing? A Coach, as thinking partner, can help you see your metacognition, allowing you to leverage it for greater success in any endeavour. Walk with me:       Take the GRIT Scale and see where you land. Take the VIA strengths survey TODAY to evaluate w