
341: Wasting time thinking about your weight?



Where are you spending your time and how are you living your life? How many times have you wished to be thinner, smarter, funnier, prettier, richer?In this episode, we chat about the practice of self-acceptance and how important it is in our everyday lives.This is what we spoke about during the episodeThinking you are not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not thin enough or whatever not enough is a waste of your time.It's fine to compare and have these goals you see on social media, but you need to step towards them. Don't just stay where you are and be depressed about not having something.If you want to tick off a goal, do it but also check in with your reasons why you want to get to that goal.Check in why do you want to take the steps towards losing weight. Is it because of societal pressures or for health reasons?When you're less uptight and not robotic with the way you diet, you enjoy it more. Dieting sucks!Self-acceptance is a celebration of who we are, what we look like