David Hathaway

God wants to reveal His Power in your life (Part 2)



God wants to use you to reveal His Power on earth. We are in a battle against the devil. Fighting against sin and sickness. And we win by the Power of Jesus Name! We need a restoration of the miraculous into the church, because without the miraculous, the church loses the very evidence of the Power of God. Jesus didn’t just come to tell us to live a good life, but to challenge us to do the works of God. Jesus said in John 9:4, 'As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming when no one can work.' We are all limited by time. Even Jesus was conscious of this. He knew His ministry was restricted to three years - He knew His night was coming. This is why the psalmist prayed, teach us to number our days.