Smalley Marriage Radio

Wish you had a damper - statement #20 from Jesus



Anyone who has lived or worked in a skyscraper knows tall buildings sway in the wind. There’s no danger; the engineers know it will happen, but the sway is uncomfortable for people inside. When engineers and architects designed Citicorp Center in New York, they decided to do something about it.  At the top of the fifty-nine story building, they installed a machine called a tuned mass damper. The machine, writes Joe Morgenstern in New Yorker magazine, “was essentially a four-hundred-and-ten-ton block of concrete, attached to huge springs and floating on a film of oil. When the building swayed, the block’s inertia worked to damp the movement and calm tenants’ queasy stomachs.”  When the winds of life gust around us, there is a stabilizing force in the heart of every believer that calms his or her fears. It is trust in God.  “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.” John 14:1