Teacher Wellbeing

Self-Care is a Chore + Welcome to Season 9



Welcome to Season 9 of the Teacher Wellbeing Podcast! Self-care is so often sold to us by Instagram influencers and companies that want to sell us goop to put on our faces as some lovely indulgence. But that's rarely been my experience. It's also not the kind of self-care that I advocate for, or that underpins my work here at Self-Care for Teachers. My experience of self-care, the kind that I've found most revolutionary in my life, that I teach my clients and that I see making a difference for them is the kind of self-care that is a bit of a chore.By the time you hear this, I will be on maternity leave, but this season of the Teacher Wellbeing podcast will be going out fortnightly while I’m in my baby bubble. I’ve recorded some great interviews for this season so I hope you enjoy them.Resilient Teacher Roadmap self-paced eourse: https://selfcareforteachers.com.au/roadmapMy online shop: https://selfcareforteachers.thinkific.com/collectionsWaiting list for working with me in 2022: https://mailchi.mp/33f69a08304