Introvert Biz Growth Podcast

The Minimalist Approach to Social Media Strategy



On the last episode of the podcast (episode 146) we talked about quitting Social Media and growing it without those platforms. Well, today, we take the Digital Minimalist approach. It's the approach I'm adhering to, as I'm still present on LinkedIn and really focusing my time and efforts on that one platform. I invited Cassie Widders, who is a social media strategist who works with personal brands and service-based business owners to simplify their social media to talk to us about creating a strategy with focus and minimalism. Cassie is known for her work on digital minimalism, social media and its effects on our wellbeing, and in making social media strategies more sustainable for personal brands and business owners. In this episode, you'll learn about the minimalist approach to social media strategy as well as...   The digital minimalism framework and what it means How we can be both present on Social Media, but also be a minimalist What our definition of success has to do with it Cassie's e