Mythic Radio Podcast (paranormal, Talk)

#076 | The Westall & Broad Haven UFO Incidents



Episode 76 of the Paranormal Mysteries Podcast:In 2019, the United States Navy finally admitted that UFOs not only exist, but that they have been tracking and studying them for years and they are now referring to them as UAPs; also known as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. While this admission came as no surprise to many of us, it was validation for thousands of people across the country who had been previously told by authorities that UFOs aren’t real.But for many people around the world, the painfully slow pace at which many governments divulge declassified information is too little too late and the stories in today’s episode are in my opinion, striking examples of blatant cover ups involving some very bizarre incidents. Some of which are becoming more well known because of information that has surfaced within the last couple of decades, which leads me to our first story known most prominently as the Westall UFO Incident.Podcast Source: Source