The Cari Murphy Show

Join Cari and Guest Jackie Lapin 01/18/12



Jackie Lapin is the world leader in educating, mentoring and coaching people on Practical Conscious Creation. Her newest book, Practical Conscious Creation: Daily Techniques to Manifest Your Desires (Findhorn Press) follows on the heals of her No. 1 bestseller The Art of Conscious Creation, How You Can Transform the World, which received unqualified endorsements from such personal growth leaders as Joe Vitale and Mark Victor Hansen. Lapin has become a noted speaker, coach and transformational business consultant. Her mission is to turn millions of people into Conscious Creators, so that they consciously create their lives, rather than let life happen to them. Lapin also founded United World Healing, a non-profit organization designed to bring people together for shared visions to change the world. For more information, go to: