Breaking Bread Podcast

Living in the Ordinary (Part 2 of 2): Silence and Solitude



We live in a God-bathed world. He is everywhere and in everything. But too often, we are moving to quickly to see Him. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Isaac Funk coaches us on how to slow down so we can catch up with God. When we are restless with our ordinary lives, we are forgetting: Jesus took on flesh to show us that ordinary is okay. Posture is more important than performance. God is in the boring; the maturing Christian has eyes that see Him everywhere. Experiencing God is always done where we are - never anywhere else. We can be fulling pleasing to God living out the menial tasks that to us are ordinary. We catch up with God by slowing down and walking at Christ’s pace. We can be in two places at once: about our daily tasks and with God. Being human is not a problem. Jesus came to show us how to be fully human.